Lacey College Academy
Winter 2024: College Academy Student/Parent Info. Night Presentation
Jump Start Program Information
Payments for the College Academy are made directly to OCC.The Ocean County College Tuition Payment Plan (TPP) provides a financial planning option that allows you to pay tuition and fees in equal installments. To participate, you must be registered for three or more credit hours in the semester. Multiple terms cannot be combined into a TPP. A separate TPP needs to be set up for each term.
Academic Qualifications:
Lacey Township High School seniors and juniors who are in good standing may participate in the program. Good academic standing is defined as students who possess at least 110 credits (seniors), 70 credits (juniors), and no grades lower than a C.
For senior level courses, students must meet the enrollment criteria as outlined by Ocean County College. The criteria includes a standardized test (Accuplacer, SAT, PSAT) and can be found at the following website: Jump Start Program Information