WLTS TV21 is a student run television station servicing Lacey Township. We broadcast Town and School Board Meetings as well as many community and school functions. To order DVDs of TV21 material such as meetings or community events please email wlts@laceyschools.org with the specific date of the event and your contact information and we may be able to provide you a copy for $10 pending the file is still in our archive.
News Brief 21 and the Community Message Board run on a loop during unscheduled times to relay upcoming community events. Email wlts@laceyschools.org with any anouncement you would like placed on our community message board. Upon review, the item may be included if it is appropriate and is a non-commercial endeavor. Lacey Township Today and Lion's Spotlight highlight exciting news to the Lacey Township Community.
WLTS also focuses on local sports through airingmany local matchups as well as honing their commentation skills in programs such as This Week in Sports.