• Ocean County Health Department Drug & Alcohol Unit
    732-341-9700, ext. 7535
    Referrals, listing of AA meetings
    Addiction Hotline of New Jersey 800-238-2333 Referrals

    Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters 
    888-4AL-ANON or 757-563-1600
    Information and educational materials

    Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Central Jersey Intergroup
    Listing of support groups for the 12-step program

    New Jersey Al-Anon/AlaTeen
    973-744-8686 (North Jersey) 856-547-0855 (South Jersey)
    Information, educational materials and meetings

    855-DRUGFREE or 855-378-4373

    Lighthouse at Mays Landing

    Detoxification, inpatient and outpatient services

    New Hope Foundation
    Inpatient & outpatient care, detoxification, and counseling

    Ocean’s Harbor House
    732-929-0660 or 732-240-3638
    Counseling and referrals, prevention programs

    Ocean Mental Health
    The “Turnaround” program offers substance abuse services for ages 12 to 25.

    Ocean & Monmouth Counties 24 hour crisis hotline
    732-240-6100 or 609-693-5834 24 hour crisis hotline 

    800-992-0401 or 609-371-8848(Carol) or 856-848-8715(Barry)
    Family group, for someone who knows or known a feeling of desperation concerning an addiction problem of someone very near to them.

    Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Helpline
    A community-based association for recovering drug addicts provides weekly meetings.