COVID-19 Updates
March 2, 2022
Dear Lacey Township School District Community:
I hope this communication finds you well and looking forward to the spring. I would like to share with you some changes that will be happening as it relates to our school and our continued COVID response. The goal of these changes is to allow us to return our school community to as much normalcy as possible for the remainder of the school year. Please keep in mind that all of the guidance in this communication is subject to change based on CDC and NJ Department of Health guidelines and mandates issued by the Governor.
As of March 7, 2022 Lacey Township School District will follow the following procedures:
- Face Masks:
Students and staff will not be required to wear face masks as of March 7, 2022. Individuals are free to wear face masks if they choose to do so after this date. Please be reminded that the entire school community must respect one’s choice to wear or not to wear a mask. Any harassment will be investigated and not tolerated. - Close Contacts:
Following our routine COVID protocols, parents will continue to be notified if the District becomes aware of a close contact; however, quarantines for close contacts will be optional. Parents will be given the choice to quarantine their child, but not required. Families who choose to quarantine will continue to be given the option of remote instruction for their children. - COVID-19 Screening:
We will no longer screen students and staff for symptoms each day. Parents and staff must monitor themselves and their children for any of the symptoms of COVID-19, cold, flu, or other illness before they leave home. Students must not be sent to school when sick and staff must not report to work when sick. School nurses will continue to evaluate students and staff who present with symptoms of illness at school and contact parents should students need to be sent home. - Lunch:
On March 7, 2022 our cafeterias will begin the transition to a normal seating configuration. The reduced number of COVID cases allows us to safely return to a normal lunch cycle and provides our students with the benefits of a normal lunch routine. Please note each building may not return to a normal lunch schedule immediately due to individual building schedules and needs. - COVID-Positive Individuals:
Students and staff testing positive for COVID-19 will still be required to isolate and not attend school for 5 days after the date of symptom onset. Parents and staff must continue to notify their school nurses or main offices if a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19 so we can perform the required contact tracing and keep our schools and families safe. Household contacts of a positive individual will be excluded from school. The school nurse will determine the length of time for exclusion of household contacts based on individual circumstances. Remote learning will be made available for all isolated or excluded students. - Buses:
Beginning March 7, 2022 masks will no longer be required on school buses, as per federal guidance. Parents should be aware the district is still required to contact trace any positive COVID cases and notify accordingly. Parents will be given the choice to quarantine their child, but not required. Families who choose to quarantine will continue to be given the option of remote instruction for their children.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s principal. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our students and staff healthy and safe.
Dr. Vanessa Pereira Clark
Superintendent of Schools
February 9, 2022
Good Afternoon Lacey Township School District Community,
This past Monday afternoon Governor Murphy announced that on March 7 the universal statewide school mask mandate will be lifted. The governor stated the removal of the mandate is due to the dramatic decline in cases, transmission rates, and hospitalizations, and an increase in vaccination rates, as well as predictive indicators that the numbers will continue to trend in these directions.
The governor further stated, “This is a huge step back to normalcy for our kids…we have to learn how to live with COVID as we move from a pandemic to the endemic phase of this virus.”
Therefore, in accordance with State guidance and the expiration of this mandate, the Lacey Township School District will transition to a “mask optional” approach for all students and staff as previously intended in the District’s June 2021 Road Forward Plan. This will take effect on Monday, March 7, 2022. Please be reminded that until the mandate is lifted, our current school mask policy will remain unchanged. Additionally, it is essential that we all work together to promote an environment where everyone can feel comfortable with their choice while respecting others who may make a different choice.
Please be advised, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) will release guidance prior to the mandate being lifted that incorporates all aspects of safety in schools while children are unmasked. We expect further guidance on other important health and education-related topics, such as quarantining and contact tracing. As always, we will continue to update the community as we receive additional information.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support.
Dr. Vanessa Pereira Clark
Superintendent of Schools
January 12, 2022
Dear Lacey Township School District Community,
Happy New Year! The purpose of this communication is to update our entire school community on all matters related to COVID-19; more specifically, changes that are going into effect related to quarantine and isolation timelines.
- Students and staff who are considered close contacts of someone with COVID-19 and are not vaccinated and boostered (if eligible) will now need to be quarantined for 5 days. Students and staff may return to school and work on day 6.
- Close contacts within the household must also quarantine for 5 days from the last day of exposure to a positive person with COVID-19. Quarantine times may be longer based on the individual household circumstances.
- Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 must be isolated for 5 days and may return to school or work on day 6 if symptoms have disappeared or have largely improved.
- All individuals returning to school and work on day 6 must wear a well-fitting mask and remain at least 6 feet from all other individuals, especially those who are immunocompromised or while eating, drinking, or taking a mask break for days 6 through 10. Additionally, these individuals must continue to carefully monitor their symptoms and if symptoms return must remain home until after day 10.
Please be reminded that a close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of someone with suspected or known COVID-19 for 15 or more minutes during a 24-hour period. The exception is in the classroom setting, where students are not considered close contacts when they are greater than 3 feet from an infected student and both students are wearing well-fitting masks the entire time. Additionally, students and staff do not need to be quarantined if they have tested positive for COVID-19 with a medically supervised test in the last 90 days.
Finally, please note that on January 11, 2022, Governor Murphy reinstated a Public Health Emergency to respond to the Omicron Variant of COVID-19. As such, Executive Order 281 extends the indoor mask mandate in all school settings until further notice. As always we will continue to update our school community as information becomes available.
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our students and staff healthy and safe.
January 1, 2022
Dear Lacey Township School District Community:
Happy New Year! I hope this email finds you well as we near the end of the winter break. We are prepared to open school on Monday, January 3, 2022. As we head to a return to school, please be reminded that it is imperative that you continue to let us know about any COVID-19 related information so that we can safely open schools on Monday.
If your child is sick with COVID-19 like symptoms, has received a positive test for COVID-19, or is awaiting results from a pending COVID-19 test prior to the reopening of school, DO NOT send them into school on January 3, 2022. Email your school nurse and someone from the health office will contact you on Monday or Tuesday to determine the correct safe return date for your child. Please be sure to keep your child home if he or she exhibits any cold-like symptoms, regardless of a negative COVID-19 test. Your child should stay home until you physically speak to someone on the phone at your child’s school.
The District will continue to monitor the high levels of COVID-19 in the region and will continue to consult with local and state health officials. Of course, the Lacey Township School District’s top priority is to keep instruction in-person. As such, it is our collective responsibility to limit the spread of infectious disease. As we continue to monitor staffing levels, staff-health status, and child-health status, please make contingency plans for child care and other considerations if your child’s school and/or the district should need to transition to remote learning.
We will follow our usual protocols for informing the entire school community of any school-related updates; this includes an automated call, email, text message, social media, and our website. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s principal. Be safe and Happy New Year!
Dr. Vanessa Pereira Clark
Superintendent of Schools
November 15, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Parents,
In order to fulfill the requirements of the ESSER III Federal Grant, Lacey Township School District is required to update the Lacey Township School District Restart and Recovery Plan every six months. We have posted the updated plan to our COVID-19 information page. Additionally we are requesting public comment on this plan. All public comments can be addressed to ltsdreopening@laceyschools.org and will be taken through December 1, 2021.Sincerely,
William W. Zylinski
Assistant Superintendent
Lacey Township Schools
October 25, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Parents,
I hope this communication finds you well as we transition from fall to the winter months. Thank you to all of our families for your assistance and understanding as we continue to make updates to our daily operations based on changing conditions with regards to COVID-19 both within our schools and community.
Beginning November 8th, Lacey Township Schools will no longer be able to supply disposable face coverings at the bus stops and our school building entrances. All students must bring their own face covering after we return from the fall break. We will be reminding students this week of this requirement. On November 8th students without their own face covering will be asked to remain in a separate location at the school building until a face covering can be supplied by a parent. Disposable face coverings will only be supplied in case of emergencies.
While we continue to work with all of our families on all issues related to COVID-19 we cannot keep up with the demand for disposable face coverings in a district of our size.
The recommended face covering is one that is made of cloth and covers both the mouth and the nose. Students should also pack a backup face covering should it become soiled or break. It is further recommended that face coverings be cleaned frequently therefore parents may want to purchase enough face coverings so their child can rotate them each week.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and please reach out to your building principal if you have any questions or concerns.
William W. Zylinski
Assistant Superintendent
Lacey Township Schools
September 15, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Community:
Weather conditions are expected to improve by the end of this week and beyond. Therefore, effective tomorrow, Thursday, September 16 and until further notice, face masks will be required by all students and staff in all school buildings and school buses. Please note this includes all non-air conditioned as well as air conditioned areas. Additional considerations will be made for the utilization of outdoor shaded learning spaces; social distancing to the greatest extent possible; and the relocation of excessively hot classrooms to alternate spaces at the discretion of the building principals.
Vanessa Pereira Clark, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
September 10, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Community:
Next week, Monday, September 13 through Friday, September 17, there is once again the potential for excessive heat in some of our buildings and buses. As outlined in the LTSD Health and Safety Guidance and in accordance with exceptions outlined in Executive Order 251 (EO 251), the wearing of masks, while still recommended, will be relaxed in all non-air conditioned areas deemed excessively hot. Please note that face masks will continue to be required for all students and staff while entering and exiting the buildings, in spaces that are fully air conditioned, and while traveling from class to class in the hallways. We understand parents may want their children to continue to wear a face mask regardless of temperature, and they should clearly communicate their expectations to their children. Additional considerations during times of excessive heat include: the utilization of outdoor shaded learning spaces; social distancing to the greatest extent possible in excessively hot indoor settings and on buses; and the relocation of classrooms to air-conditioned spaces when practicable.
*REMINDER: As per the LTSD Health and Safety Guidance and NJDOE guidance, exposed students wearing masks or who are vaccinated and have no symptoms are not considered a “close contact” and will not be subject to quarantine.
Vanessa Pereira Clark, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
September 10, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School Community,
We again welcome all of our families back to the Lacey Township School District for the 2021-2022 school year. This is the time of year we traditionally conduct our annual Back-to-School Nights. Due to current conditions in our region, we will be conducting our Back-to-School Nights virtually for the 2021-2022 school year. In the coming days, your school's principal will be communicating with families about the specific times and procedures on how to login to your child's classrooms for this year's Back-to-School Night.
The virtual Back-to-School Nights will take place on the following dates (please note some of these dates have changed from those originally announced):
Lacey Township Middle School: September 23, 2021
Lanoka Harbor Elementary School: September 28, 2021
Cedar Creek Elementary School: September 29, 2021
Lacey Township High School: September 30, 2021
Forked River Elementary School: October 5, 2021
Mill Pond Elementary School: October 7, 2021William W. Zylinski
Assistant Superintendent
September 3, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Community:
As we prepare to open school next week, we look ahead toward the anticipated weather forecast for the first week of school, Tuesday, September 7 through Friday, September 10. As outlined in the LTSD Health and Safety Guidance and in accordance with exceptions outlined in Executive Order 251 (EO 251), due to the projected excessive heat inside some of our buildings and on all school buses, the wearing of masks in non-air-conditioned spaces, while still recommended, will be optional from September 7 through September 10. This exemption includes buildings where air conditioning is available but possibly not fully functional in all locations. Please note that face masks will continue to be required for all students and staff in spaces that are fully air conditioned. We understand parents may want their children to continue to wear a face mask regardless of temperature, and they should clearly communicate their expectations to their children.
At this time, due to the long range weather projections, it is the district’s plan to communicate on the status of mask-wearing related to weather on a weekly basis and not on a daily basis as originally stated in our LTSD Health and Safety Guidance. This communication will continue for the upcoming week and for the foreseeable future on Friday of the preceding week.
Have a fantastic Labor Day Weekend. We are looking forward to seeing our students next week!
Vanessa Pereira Clark, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
September 2, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Community:
We have created the Lacey Township School District 2021-2022 The Road Forward - Frequently Asked Questions document. The purpose of this document is to answer questions related to the district’s Health and Safety Guidance for the 2021-2022 school year. The document will be updated as new information and questions arise.
Vanessa Pereira Clark, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
August 30, 2021
Dear Lacey Township School District Families:
I hope this letter finds you well-rested and ready for the start of the 2021-2022 school year. There certainly have been many developments and changes over the course of the last few weeks, proving that this school year will, again, be like no other. We have been hard at work cleaning and preparing the school buildings for instruction, performing building and field maintenance, and hiring teachers and support staff to provide your child(ren) with an excellent educational experience. While we recognize that the beginning of any school year is exciting, the start of this new school year carries with it some apprehension. Please know that we stand ready to assist our families as we begin the path to normalcy. With that thought in mind, the first day of school will be Tuesday, September 7 for a full day of in-person learning.
We have prepared our plans for the return to in-person instruction based on the recommendations outlined in the NJDOE’s The Road Forward Health and Safety Guidance for the 2021-2022 School Year. This document outlines the health and safety guidance that we will be following to keep our buildings open for the 2021-2022 school year. The Lacey Township School District Health and Safety Guidance, which will be Board approved at a Special Board Meeting on Monday, August 30, includes information about vaccinations, communicating with parents, mask protocols, physical distancing, meals, and transportation. It will also help us respond to health issues related to COVID 19. The plan is posted on the district website.
As per the Governor’s Executive Order 251, all staff, students, volunteers, and visitors inside any district building will be required to wear face masks, except in certain circumstances. These exemptions are outlined in the Lacey Township School District Health and Safety Plan. This requirement will remain in effect until further notice. Individuals seeking a specific medical exemption from mask-wearing must produce written documentation from a medical professional to support the exemption. All documentation should be forwarded directly to your building principal. The written documentation may be reviewed by the district’s school physician. Self-attestations and parental attestations are not sufficient for exemption purposes. Additionally, your principal will closely monitor the heat each day, especially in September and October, and will communicate with the district office on days where indoor conditions will warrant the optional use of masks.
On behalf of all of us who compose the Lacey Township School District, we are looking forward to opening our doors to our families and making student engagement and safety a top priority. Please feel free to contact your child’s principal with any questions or concerns that you may have.
Vanessa Pereira Clark, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
August 17, 2021
Lacey Township School District Letter to Murphy RE: Request to Rescind EO 251.
The School Board writes Governor Murphy requesting local option for face masks.
Please see attached letter - Face Masks: