• 2023-2024 District/Board Goals

    District Goals

    Learner Success

    Goal #1: Improve overall student achievement through the following:

    • NWEA - By June 2024, 50% of all Grade 5 students will achieve their spring projected growth as measured from fall to spring on the Mathematics NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). Students will be assessed fall, winter, and spring, but must achieve their spring projected growth during the spring administration.

    • SAT - In October of 2023, the Lacey Township School District will continue to sponsor all juniors’ participation in the PSAT/NMSQT. Students’ results will be provided in early 2024 and personally-tailored tutoring will be made available to junior testers utilizing their College Board account, the Khan Academy, and certificated Lacey Township High School staff in the SAT Preparation Program (SATPP), established as a pilot program during the 2022-2023 school year. Juniors who participate in the SATPP will then be strongly encouraged to take the SAT during the school day in Spring of 2024. Spring SAT scores of those who received the tutoring intervention will be compared to their respective PSAT/NMSQT scores from the October 2023 administration. 

    • Tier One Goal: There will be a 8% increase in the individual SAT score of this targeted population of those students who engaged in the tutoring intervention. 

      • Objective: Score increase

    • Tier Two Goal: When compared to student completion of the SATPP in the 2022-2023 school year, there will be at least a program completion rate increase of 50%. 

      • Objective: Program completion increase

    • Ranking - In consideration of US News and World Report’s college readiness subsection of high school rankings, there will be an average increase in AP exam participation by at least two tests per AP exam content area for students in grades 9-12 by the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

    Social/Emotional Wellness

    Goal #2: By the end of May 2024, 100% of students in Grades 6-7-8 will be able to define and identify bullying behaviors within the Middle School and the classroom. 

    Facilities, Finance, Safety and Security

    Goal #3: By November 2023, the District will create six (6) School-Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Teams (BTAM) and one (1)  District-Level Team. The purpose of the threat assessment team is to provide teachers, administrators, and other staff with assistance in identifying students with behaviors of concern, assessing those students’ risk for engaging in violence or other harmful activities, and delivering intervention strategies to manage the risk of harm for students who pose a potential safety risk. 

    Goal #4:  By April 2024, the District will address the need for a referendum OR a budget question for the November 2024 ballot. This decision will be guided by the results of a comprehensive facilities study by the District’s architect, FVHD for 6 schools, the Board of Education offices, and maintenance facility. 

    Board Goals

    Goal #1: 

    • Board Certification  - Achieve Board Certification through NJSBA’s Board Member Academy program by May 2024 for award in the Fall of 2024. 

    Goal #2

    • Workshop Session - Hold a workshop session with no action quarterly with a focus on training and/or proactive planning.