Athletic Training
What is athletic training? Simply stated, it is the prevention, recognition, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
Athletic trainers are health care professionals who are licensed or otherwise regulated to work with athletes and physically active people to prevent, diagnose and treat injuries and other emergency, acute and chronic medical conditions including cardiac abnormalities and heat stroke. NATA 2013, Public Relations Manager
“Athletic Training” means and includes the practice of physical conditioning and reconditioning of athletes and the prevention of injuries incurred by athletes. Athletic training shall also include the application of physical treatment modalities to athletes under a plan of care designed and overseen by a physician licensed in this State, as recommended by the advisory committee and defined in regulations by the Board. “Athletic Training Licensure Act”
Concussions in girls: Schools dealing with reaction to head injury There is an increasing awareness of girls’ sports like soccer, lacrosse and field hockey.
Kids And Concussions: Advocate Pushes For Limits On Hits In High School Sports
N.F.L.’s Flawed Concussion Research 03/24/16 More than 100 diagnosed concussions were omitted from the studies.
Trauma on the gridiron: Local athletic trainers are geared to monitor concussion 25 high school football players have died from on-field injuries since 2003.
USA Today article 1.35 million youths a year have serious sports injuries.
Violent hits keep coming, so is NFL changing culture? The questionable hits come at a time when the NFL is emphasizing player safety.
What every parent should know about concussions Athletes and their families still need more information about the definition of concussions and symptoms.
What Kids Should Know About Spinal Injuries in Sports A push to alert high school athletes about neck injuries.