CCS Drama
  • Hello and Welcome to the 2024-2025 Drama Club Page for Cedar Creek Elementary School. Planning for this upcoming year's production has already started. Our play is called Imagine A Dragon by Beat By Beat Press. Drama Sign-up forms will be going home the week of September 16th during the students' music class. 

    Imagine A Dragon Logo


    The Cedar Creek Drama Club is the perfect place for a beginner actor! The club is open to students in the fourth and fifth grade only. The performers learn how to express emotion through role-play, games and a full 30-40 minute production. Students will have the opportunity to experience dancing, singing, and speaking in a large group. Casting is done through an audition by the directors. Before the audition, students will receive coaching from the directors to both model and explain how to have a successful audition. All students in the club are encouraged and given the opportunity to try and audition for a main character. While not everyone will get their dream role, students learn that there are no “small” parts and that every role in the play is important to the story line and to their fellow cast members. 

    Once students have successfully signed up to be a part of the club, they will receive information about our Google Classroom and our Remind notification program. Drama club sign ups will close at the beginning of  October. Auditions will be in October or November with all casting completed before the holiday break in December. The full production show usually takes place in mid to late April or the beginning of May. A full schedule will be available in the Google classroom. All announcements will be sent home through Remind, Google Classroom and, if needed, a note sent home with the students.

  • Contact The Directors

    Directors for the 2024-25 

    Director: Mr. Brennan

    Assistant Director: Mrs. Mantegna


Drama Sticker
  • Theater games to play at home!

    Here is a list of improv games to bring a little fun and creativity into your home!

    One Word at a Time

    In this game, family members work together to tell a story. When playing in a group setting, family members sit in a circle and in turn, they add a word to fit into the narrative after repeating the words that came before. When played quickly, this game is great for encouraging free-flow thinking. For example, Player 1 could say “Once…”, Player 2 could say “Once upon…”, Player 3 could say “Once upon a…”, and so on.

    Prop Bag

    In this game, one family member chooses a prop and performs a short demonstration for an audience using the item for a purpose other than its intended use. The idea is to use the prop in an original or humorous way. An example would be using a shoe as a telephone. You can get creative in selecting which props are available, but sometimes the funniest results come from the most boring items.

    What Happened Next?

    One player is in the middle, the others sit aside. Any person can give the middle player a task, which he/she performs, and then he/she asks, `What happens next?’ Any player may suggest what needs to happen next, but the idea is for the group to construct a coherent story. The player in the middle should only and strictly be doing what they’re told; it is up to the players at the side to construct the story.

    Character Bus

    Warning – this one can get noisy! The idea here is that one person is a driver of a bus. As each of the other people playing enter the bus, they are a larger than life character, and everyone including the bus driver become that character. The play continues until everyone is on the bus. This is an excellent game for including everyone in a short improv exercise.

    Last Letter, First Letter

    Last Letter, First Letter sharpens listening skills as each player must start their line with a word that begins with the last letter of the word that the previous speaker ended with. The example below uses a one word warm-up. This really makes players focus on listening entirely before formulating their response.
