• FRS Remote Support Teacher Instructional Assistance
    is available according to the following schedule

    Grade K Language Arts             1:05-2:00                   Grade K Mathematics    1:05-2:00

    Grade 1 Language Arts             2:05-3:00                   Grade 1 Mathematics    2:05-3:00

    Grade 2 Language Arts             3:05-4:00                   Grade 2 Mathematics    3:05-4:00

    Grade 3 Language Arts             9:00-9:30                   Grade 3 Mathematics    2:00-2:30

    Grade 4 Language Arts             9:30-10:00                 Grade 4 Mathematics    2:30-3:00

    Your child can access the remote support teacher’s Google Classroom as needed.  To log in using Google Chrome as your browser, access the Classroom App by typing classroom.google.com into your browser.  This link can also be found on the Student Links tab on our school website. If your child is using a school-issued Chromebook, please have them log in using their existing user name and password.  Next, click on the waffle grid on the top right of the screen and then click on the Google Classroom App.  Finally, select the join button on the tile to the remote support Google Classroom your child will be invited to join to receive help during remote learning as the need arises.

    Mrs. Schnorbus is the assigned remote support  teacher for grades K, 1, and 2.  Ms. Provost is the assigned remote support teacher for grades 3 and 4.